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The Annie Laurie Moody Library​
​The Annie Laurie Moody Library began with a donation by Annie Laurie Moody, State Regent 1942-1945, of the Louisiana State Society Daughters of the American Revolution. Mrs. Moody was the chapter regent of the Baton Rouge Chapter, NSDAR, and during her term, the chapter grew to be the largest in the state. Annie Laurie Moody’s meticulous care in promoting the concerns of the DAR extended research and earned her a certificate of merit in genealogy. The Louisiana State Society, NSDAR, genealogy collection was named in her honor.​

Photo courtesy of Main Library at Goodwood.
​For nine years the small group of books was kept in the homes of those members who took care of them. They were borrowed by others over the state, mainly as aids to establish family lines as required for DAR membership. The first librarian was Mrs. Crawford Rose of Lake Providence.
Following several moves over the state, the Annie Laurie Moody Collection was placed in Alexandria in 1971, in the Rapides Parish Library. It was moved to the East Baton Rouge Parish Library in 1978.
The collection is now housed adjacent to the genealogy section of the East Baton Rouge Parish Library. Since its beginning, the library has grown to around 3,400 books. Additions to the collection have been provided by contributions of individual members and chapters of the LSDAR and from the budget of the Louisiana State Society DAR. These materials are available in-house to researchers during the regular East Baton Rouge Parish Library hours.
Contact the LSDAR State Librarian.
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