Spirit of '76 Chapter, NSDAR
News Orleans, Louisiana
The Spirit of '76 Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR), of New Orleans, has the distinction of being the first NSDAR chapter organized in the state of Louisiana. According to NSDAR records, the charter for the Spirit of '76 Chapter, NSDAR, was issued on June 6, 1895. The name "Spirit of '76" was chosen as the chapter name because it denotes and portrays, in words, the zeal and love of freedom which our ancestors demonstrated during the American Revolutionary War and which we, as daughters, have inherited from them.
Spirit of ’76 Chapter, NSDAR, members participate in various patriotic, educational, community service, and family-friendly chapter events, including:
Participates in Wreaths Across America at Chalmette Cemetery
Participates in Project Patriot
Participates in Service to Veterans
Supports the local Jean Baptiste Le Moyne Sieur de Bienville Society, Children of the American Revolution (C.A.R.)
Coordinates speakers during monthly chapter meetings on various topics, including Volunteers of America, Colonial Cooking, The Imperial Contest for the Gulf of Mexico in the 18th Century, and Pollinators
Awards Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) Medals at the high school and college levels
Awards Youth Citizenship Medals to high school students
Family-Friendly Chapter Events:
Hosts a National Defense luncheon annually
Celebrates Constitution Week every September
Community Service:
Attends local naturalization ceremonies
Our chapter holds meetings on the first Friday of most months. Click here to contact the chapter for more information about meeting times and locations.

Page Last Updated November 21, 2023